What is chromo therapy? | The meaning of Colour light therapy

SaunaTech saunas have chromo therapy
lights installed inside each sauna. The reading light has the red, orange and yellow
spectrums which will help sooth both mind and body. Below are the benefits of chromo therapy.
Chromo therapy, sometimes called colour therapy or colour logy, is an alternative medicine method. It is claimed that a therapist trained in chromo therapy can use and light to balance energy wherever our bodies are lacking, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental. Chromo therapists claim a scientific basis for their practice, proposing that colours bring about emotional reactions in people. A standard method of diagnosis is the use of Luscher`s colour test, developed by Dr. Max Luscher in the early 1900s. When performing chromo therapy, colour and light is applied to specific areas and acupoints on the body. Because colours get associated with both positive and negative effects
in colour therapy, specific colours and accurate amounts of colour are deemed to be critical in healing. Some of the tools used for applying colours are gemstones candles, wands, prisms, coloured fabrics,
bath treatments, and coloured glasses or lenses. Therapeutic colour can be administered in a number of ways, but is often combined with hydrotherapy and aromatherapy in an attempt to heighten the therapeutic effect.

Health is contingent upon balancing not only our physical needs, but our emotional, mental
and spiritual needs as well. In India, a group of healers known as Ayurvedic healers associate colours with the seven main chakras, which are spiritual centres in our bodies located along the spine. Chakras store and distribute energy and information. Much of the information on chakras comes from the yogic teachings in India. According to these teachings, each chakra is also associated with one of the four primary elements: earth, air, fire, water. There are seven of these chakras and each is associated with a particular organ or system in the body. Each chakra has a dominant colour, but these colours may become imbalanced. If this happens it can cause disease and other physical ramifications. By introducing the appropriate colour, these maladies
can be fixed. Following, a description of three dominant chakras, their corresponding colour, location and physical/emotional association.
First Chakra: Located at the base of the spine

Is used to energise and stimulate. Affects the heart by increasing pulse rate, and the muscles by increasing their tension. Influences vitality, and increases body temperature. Can be used to develop excitement and sensuality.
Second Chakra: pelvis area

Being a colour mixed from red and yellow, according to chromo therapists orange stands for kind-heartedness and warm-heartedness of an individual. Orange would symbolise the rising sun, and make us alert and cheerful. It is believed to affect both our bodies and our minds. Astonishing results are ascribed to the use of the colour orange to treat mental illness, depressions, discontent and pessimism. Orange could be applied for the treatment of arteriosclerosis, sclerenecephaly, cardio sclerosis, loss of appetite, anaemia, anorexia and digestive system discomforts (e.g., flatulence, cramps). A person with an excess of orange could express confusion, tiredness, and pessimism.
Third Chakra: solar plexus – just above the belly button

Increases neuromuscular tone. Purifies blood, helps digestion, and has a cleansing effect. Strongly stimulates happiness, brings on a sense of security, as well as a strong feeling of well-being.
Fourth Chakra: heart

Regulates the pituitary gland, fights depression, bulimia, and other psychosomatic conditions affecting the gastric system. It is useful in calming the nervous system, fights irritability, insomnia and can be used to assist in recovery from nervous breakdowns.
Fifth Chakra: throat

Calming. Stimulates the parasympathetic system, reduces blood pressure and calms both breathing and heart-rate. It has anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing effects. Fights both physical and mental tension and is used to assist in relaxation.
Sixth Chakra: lower part of the forehead

Indigo is believed to be a cooling colour that develops psychic perception and intuition. It is applied in health treatments for eyes, ears, nose, and mental problems. It is also used in attempts to treat addiction. Indigo is also ascribed to have sedative and calming effects. Some chromo therapists say indigo may be useful in controlling bleeding, and treating abscesses. Sometimes the colour violet also gets associated with this chakra, depending upon the practitioner’s training.
Seventh Chakra: top of the head
Practitioners name violet to be the colour of the emotions and it is considered to be a meditative colour. In colour therapy and in particular in colour acupuncture, violet is applied for treating the lymphatic system and the spleen. Violet is also used in attempts to soothe organs, relax muscles, and calm the nervous system. A person with an excess of this colour could express fanaticism and domination. The colour white or magenta can also be associated with this chakra, depending upon the practitioner’s training.

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