Far-infrared sauna therapy

Everyone today is exposed to heavy metals and toxic chemicals. Particularly for slow metabolizers, an excellent method to detoxify the body is the far-infrared sauna, Its dry, warming energy is highly compatible with the human body. It heats the tissues several inches deep, enhancing metabolic processes. One can construct an excellent sauna at home for under R75.00.

Sauna Benefits

Saunas enhance circulation and oxygenate the tissues. Energy production increases, facilitating healing. Heating the tissues speeds up metabolism. Cells are more able to eliminate toxins. Nasal passages open and the sinuses drain.

Fever therapy helps infections heal more quickly. Tumors tolerate heat poorly; weaker than normal cells, raising the temperature hastens their death.

The skin is a major eliminative organ. The skin is inactive in most people. Many do not sweat. Synthetic or tight clothing that does not breathe damages the skin. Sedentary living and sun damage also inactivate the skin. Hundreds of chemicals affect the skin, from lotions and soaps to deodorants. Cleaning solvents, detergent residues and chemicals from bathing water also affect the skin, Repeated use of the sauna slowly restores skin elimination. Toxic chemicals and metals are removed faster than with other methods. It is a daily habit that pays many dividends.

Steam baths, sweat lodges, exercise and hot tubs are other means of sweating. Steam and sweat lodges are often hotter, and more difficult to tolerate. Far-infrared saunas remain below 110[degrees]. Exercise vigorous enough to produce copious sweating is too exhausting for all but the most fit. Hot tubs are good up to a point. Sweating is less than in the sauna and one absorbs chemicals from the water.

Types of Saunas

The traditional sauna is electric, wood or gas-fired. Preheating to 150-200[degrees] degrees is required for copious sweating. The heat may be difficult to tolerate, especially for those who are ill.

Far-infrared heats the body, the air remaining cool. Sweating begins quickly and the experience is pleasant. Preheating is unnecessary which saves electricity. Most far-infrared saunas employ ceramic elements to generate gentle heat. A less costly option is to use infrared bulbs.

According to research, far-infrared is more cleansing than traditional saunas. The deep penetration of the infrared energy allows the cells to eliminate better.

The Sauna Experience

Supervision and Safety.

Saunas are safe for most people providing one follows a few simple rules. When starting out, remain inside no longer than 30 minutes at a time. Those in good health in time may extend this to 50 minutes. Rest lying or sitting for 10 minutes afterwards. This helps the body eliminate dead cells and other debris. Drink mineralized water before and after the sauna. Make sure the bowels move regularly, as sauna therapy will increase elimination.

Use the sauna with supervision if you have a chronic condition. If debilitated or very heat-sensitive, begin with a shorter time. The presence of an attendant or friend is also most helpful. Those with multiple, sclerosis, hyperthyroidism, hypertension or serious heart conditions should consult a health professional.

Slow metabolizers may use the sauna up to twice a day. Upon arising and at bedtime are excellent if time permits. Evening is probably best if you use it once a day. If ill, however, the morning is better when energy levels are higher. Less often is also acceptable if beginning or to maintain your health. If you are very debilitated, begin with once a week. Work up to daily use as you feel able. Fast metabolizers or those whose temperature runs high may use the sauna once or twice a week.

Taking the Sauna. Drink a glass of mineralized water before entering the sauna. Drinking water while in the sauna is not recommended. Add juice or minerals to your water if it is mineral-free. The infrared sauna will not work through clothing. Men, position yourselves so the testicles are not directly exposed to infrared energy. Pass the time meditating or review your day. Use a small towel to wipe off the sweat. Not recommended are talking or working in the sauna.

Ventilate the sauna to avoid breathing toxic gases. This may be built into the design. If you use a bathroom or closet, leave the door slightly ajar.

Bulb Saunas. Turn every few minutes if your sauna uses heat bulbs. Sit on a stool or a chair without a back. Face the bulbs, turn to the side and around to the back. Avoid touching the hot bulbs, though looking at them is okay. Do not let water, a towel or clothing touch the bulbs when they are on. The bulb sauna also provides warming and stimulating color therapy.

Finishing Up. How long you remain inside the sauna depends on your condition. Those who are ill should begin slowly. The sauna should not heat up to more than 60 DEGREES. Body temperature should not increase more than four degrees. Your pulse should not increase more than 50% of the resting pulse. Fifty minutes is a maximum time. Some days you will sweat more than others.

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